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diamond party garland

Diamond party garland

For the twins birthday party this year we had two separate party rooms – one for the girl, and one for the boy. For the girl, we focused on the simplistic beauty a diamond party theme gives. The modern geometric gem worked great to decorate with. Long strands of paper diamond party garland, along with geometric honeycombs (like these), made a bold statement above the party cake.

Diamond paper party garland

Diamond paper party garland

The diamond party garland can be designed out of any paper color which takes the look from sweet and simple to stunning quickly. For a child’s birthday I love using bright primary colors along with fun textures like polka dots. Mix the paper layers up for this fun and unique party garland.

Diamond paper party garland

Diamond paper party garland

To make the diamond party garland you’ll need two identical sized squares of paper. The thinner the paper the easier the fold, so using origami paper is best when possible.

Make the diamond party garland

1. Fold the paper in half once and unfold. Fold the paper in have the other way so that you have 4 creases.

2. Then fold in half diagonally both ways leaving you with 8 creases across the paper.

3. Fold the paper onto itself, with the two sides pointed in making a flat diamond shape.

4. Fold each side point from the front and back into the center, then fold that fold inward to complete your basic diamond shape. Here is a great step-by-step video for the process.

Diamond paper party garland

When you get the hang of it you can create a lot of these pretty quickly. Once all the diamond sides are made for the diamond party garland, string half of them by threading a string right up through the top of the diamond. After they are strung, fit the bottom paper half together with the top, by sticking all the long ends into the opposite side.

Mix and match colors, textures and shapes for a graphic presentation of this trendy diamond party decoration.

Diamond paper party garland

When celebrating at home I love to make one or two bold decorations to pull everyone’s eyes up and set the mood. I also like to focus on supplies I can make ahead of time so the day of isn’t quite so stressful. This garland was an easy creation to make early and just hang the day of the party. We left it up over the bar for the holidays as well… and it’s still there! I don’t know what time of year diamond party garland would not be appropriate. ;)

(Photography © A Subtle Revelry by Erin Holland)


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