A bouquet of balloons is quite possibly the easiest way to make any space feel like a party. S?ince they’ve become ever so commonplace, I wanted to bring a bit of a subtle artistic touch to our store bought balloons. Inspired by the painted polkadot balloons, I wanted to try out painting the balloons a bright second hue to give them a bit more pop!
To create the pretty two-tone effect I purchased helium balloons and used acrylic paint to loosely cover the tops. I did not measure and was not specific as I wanted each balloon to have it’s own whimsical style. They really did make our party feel more thoughtfully decorated. Don’t you just adore them!?!
Photography done in collaboration with Jocelyn Noel Photography.
perfect ballons and cool pictures… Thank you for the post!
Cute idea! I’ve seen loads of candle holders and things with this style, but it’s cool to see it on balloons
This is so cute!! I will have to try this!
Cute idea–I could blow em up in morning (with help of course–grandkids are handy little people) and use rattle cans to spray them after putting 2 to 2 1/2 inch blue masking tape around very loosely for the line then remove..anyway going to try it as need 100 for my Mom’s 100th birthday party in August..any other ideas please feel free…TY
Can you let us know the length of time the balloons actually stayed in the air and if you used 100% helium or a 60/40 mix? I like the idea of painting the balloons but am not sure if they last the entire party.